Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to get from New Jersey to Mexico.?

Me and my wife have been to Mexico many times. We have never driven but want to. We are trying to find the most direct route from where we live, New Jersey, to Nuevo Vallarta Mexico. Can someone please provide us with directions or a website that can give us directions. (We have already tried map quest, and Google Maps, but they only provide directions for the US. No out of country directions. Please help usHow to get from New Jersey to Mexico.?
The quickest way would be to go through major cities. Head from Jersey to San Antonio and from there to Laredo Texas and from there cross the border and on to Monterrey Mexico where you will probably want to rest before your next journey, San Luis Potosi. When you get there take another rest and then head west to Guadalajara where you might spend the night again. From Guadalajara its only 4 hours to Nuevo Vallarta. Good Luck!
flyHow to get from New Jersey to Mexico.?
via planeHow to get from New Jersey to Mexico.?
visit a triple AAA store, they are great for this, they route you all over hte world.;鈥?/a>
Try downloading Google Earth - it will give you a sattelite image of the roads and directions, its really good for working out things like this.

good luck, wash your hands, and please dont bring back any weird mexican diseases.
the best i could find is mapquest international, plenty of mexican maps but i think a lot of companies don't do it because the roads could be there today and gone tomorrow... kinda thing so either check into garmin and see if they offer mexican gps maps (which they probably do) and just go to your library
It would have helped if u told me what city you lived in but i think I have a link that might help.Here it is:

Just enter your hometown and destination.
According to the website below, it's 2843.8 mi, 45 hr 55 min. driving time. So that's at least four days driving 11 to 12 hours per day--you shouldn't drive at night in Mexico (too dangerous). Figure for some time at the border:

1. get your FM-T (tourist card) at the Migracion (INM) Office.

2. get your temporary vehicle import sticker--make sure you have Mexican auto insurance before this point. Click the second link. And you should have the car's title in your name.

3. Pass through Customs (Aduana)--if you get a green light, you can keep on driving; red light means that they'll check your car.

4. get pesos at a bank or ATM--Mexican gas stations and highway toll booths don't take dollars.

Then you can leave the border town, but you'll hit another Customs (Aduana) checkpoint about 20 miles down the road with another red light/green light set up.

Portions of the highways will be toll roads signified by the lettter "D" after the highway number or the word "Cuota". The toll roads will be in the best shape and you can drive the fastest on them. When you're not on a toll road, you have to look out for speed bumps (TOPES)--they can take off a muffler or worse if you hit them too fast.

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