Per a recent study, 81% of Americans think the U.S. is headed in the "wrong direction."…
Many in the U.S. believe there is a lack of morals amongst our population. It is blamed on a variety of things, but many Christians blame it on a lack of God in the schools and in the government.
Nonbelievers are often pinpointed as the driving force behind the secularization of the schools and the government.
But, per the CIA Factbook's 2007 estimates, 78.5% of Americans are some type of Christian. And 18.6% of Americans do not identify with a religion (unaffiliated, unspecified, or none). We cannot assume that the whole 18.6% constitutes nonbelievers.
Therefore, per some Christians' logic, less than 18.6% of the population is driving the U. S. into the dumps.
How have such a small portion of the U.S. population managed to overpower the majority of the country? Is there something else going on here?R %26amp;S, particularly U.S. citizens: Who is in control of this country?
The reality is that a small portion of the population has made changes not always popular with the majority. I don't think most of us would argue that point. I don't think, as an example, that most Americans want cancer from polluted air and waterways. But it is happening too often with the support of the government and courts.
But the specific issue you mention is Christians vs. Atheists influence. Personally, I don't think it is either. I think that a way of life in America is passing. Whether for better or worse is the subject of another debate. For many who favor that way of life it is attributed as a moral decline.
As an example, when I was in high school, young ladies were required to wear dresses to school. Now they can wear shorts and other varieties of clothing. For those who believe that a dress standard is important this is an example of moral change. To the person who doesn't want to wear dresses, this is a sign of progress.
As for religion, America has always until modern times lived under Christian Influence. We can argue whether or not the government was formed in this way.
As a nation influenced by Christianity, certain values were present. You can see those values in the government. The Ten Commandments is one of these. As the nation grew in recent years and larger numbers of atheists, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and others have become an influence on American Culture there has been a push to change traditional ways.
As an example, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Ten Commandments can not be displayed in courts. For Christians who have always valued such displays, this is seen as moral decline. For others it is viewed as freedom from Christian oppression.
As for the control issue, a small minority can make major changes. Need I remind this group that the liberals and conservatives are very concerned about the next Supreme Court Justice and control of the Supreme Court? That decision is rarely determined by the public interest.
The elections we suffer through now are financed by major corporations and individuals on BOTH sides. It is these organizations that determine who sits in leadership of our nation. Read John Grisham's latest book as he looks at this influence.
Pastor John
Pharmeceutical companies, Blackwater, oil companies... etc...R %26amp;S, particularly U.S. citizens: Who is in control of this country?
That, sir, is an excellent point. Every poll that has ever been conducted, concerning this country’s religious affiliation, overwhelming demonstrates that most people do identify themselves with some sort of Christian faith, and yet Christians are the ones that harp on the most about our moral degradation. So it would seem to make sense that Christians should lay the blame squarely on their own shoulders. Unfortunately most Christians don't abide by their Jesus’ admonishment to: “ Not look at the speck in your brothers eye, without first removing the beam in your own”.
Of course many Christians will say that the polls only express those who “PROFESS” faith, but not TRUE believers. Still, this does not absolve Christians of their responsibility for the moral decline they claim is occurring with ever increasing rapidity. After all, Christianity has had the power of the government behind it, and has been the largest influence on the global culture, for the past 2000 years. So if Christianity cannot even convert enough “true believers” to change the world for the better it demonstrates that Christianity is ineffectual and a failure. Moreover, it underscores the fact that if there is a God, and Christianity is the religion he approves us, then he is also impotent, because he cannot inspire enough people to TRULY believe and become catalysts for change.
Many right wing Christians relish the fact that Communism failed, and cite it (erroneously I might add) as evidence of what happens when you exclude God from national culture and government. So why don’t they apply that same logic and also condemn their own religion as a failure, because it, being given 1900 more years to work than “Godless” Communism, has not vanquished poverty, eliminated disease, or made people any more moral. Christians refuse to look at themselves in the mirror. Christians refuse to take the proverbial beam out of their own eye. They would much rather put on the blindfold of self-righteousness.R %26amp;S, particularly U.S. citizens: Who is in control of this country?
God, Jesus' father, is king over the whole universe. God says that He decides who He will let the leaders be and what He will allow them to do. God's in control of this country. But He does sit back and let us use our free will for the time being. Sometimes that means letting bad happen: both the people that run the country into the ground, and the people that could do something about it but they choose to sit back and do nothing.
The only thing going on is laziness or cowardice.
People with the most money are in control.
Only a small group of people have all the power: the top jesuits and they work for Satan. God has allowed Satan to be the prince of this world for a while and that's why the world is the way it is right now.
Do you know what the golden rule is? The ones that have the gold make the rules. That's the jesuits. They have all the gold. Read the "protocols of the elders of sion" and you'll understand what I mean.
Why do you think all those gay-rights laws are passing in all governments around the world? It's not because the world accepts homosexuality; not even 10% of the population of the world is homosexual. The top jesuits are homosexuals, though. The Presidents of the countries of the world are puppets in their hands (protocols of the elders of sion).
To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever! Jesus is Lord.
I'd say the neo-cons and the ultra right wingers are. A lot of them only care about morality if it affects their pocketbooks.
America's arcane political structure allows special interests to control the government; the economy is controlled by a self-perpetuating cabal of "professional managers", who run nearly all major corporations.
Religion has very little to do with it, except to the extent that these elites use it to maintain their positions.
History has always been altered and even directed by small groups of committed individuals.. 18 % of the US population is no small group.
Not that I agree with the assessment...
If everybody stop patronizing businesses you'll see who's in control.
The christians.
This is why Obama should be president. I believe he really could change the world for the better.
We the Corporations in order to form a more perfect Theocracy......
currently, it's our theocratic oligarchy.
a change is commin though. only a few more months.
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