Saturday, February 4, 2012

What do you think about when you drive?

I have a very hard time driving. I don't pay the best attention to the road. I try but I keep getting in a deep thought processes. Is this normal? The other day I was driving and there are 3 ways to get their. Because of road construction I can only take one way. Well I forgot, and I took the way that I was not supposed to. By instinct I just took the wrong turn.

No matter how hard I try I can not seem to remember landmarks. I get very easily lost and lose my since of direction. I have driven to the same place more than 30 times and I still can not find it.

Lately I'm been studying Google Maps a whole lot and it seems to help. But there is this one place that I can not find. I keep looking at the map and trying to drive there but so far I have not found it.

I've been trying to study the sun to find north, east west and south. I have spent a lot of time reading but I'm still having issues finding which direction I'm going.

It's kind of embarrassing that I am trying so hard and not making it very far.

What do you think about when you drive?What do you think about when you drive?
I keep thinking about all the people i've hit with my car that day...What do you think about when you drive?
My thought: who the heck gave driving licenses to blond women!!!!What do you think about when you drive?
The thoughts of most drivers probably aren't entirely centered on tasks of steering and navigation. It takes mere seconds and fractions of seconds to keep an eye on things going on inside and outside your car and to process this information; this leaves plenty of time to think about what you're hearing on the radio or earpiece of your phone, or to think about things that happened at work earlier in the day.

But that doesn't mean that people have no lapses of attention whatsoever: I can be driving along the highway with some car in front of me, and two minutes later I'll wonder what happened to that car and why it's no longer in front of me. Plus there have been a couple of times when I've zoned out and missed my exit along the freeway.

In any case, today is a good day to be a motorist, because now GPS navigation devices are on the market and you can get yourself one for less than $200. Just have the thing installed in your car keep the thing updated with the directions you need, and you'll always have this device reminding you of the way it thinks you're supposed to go while you're driving. No one should depend on such devices entirely, of course, but they can help.

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